Monday, March 19, 2018

Safe IOT Practices

To keep up in pace with the growing world, businesses are expected to deploy modern technology-based solutions. While this may bring some benefits, their security is a huge responsibility. Any compromise on the safekeeping of a company’s data is sufficient to mark its downfall.
The IOT technology builds a circuitry to connect multiple devices that can exchange information over the internet on request. Potential uses of this science are many. But, the use of linked devices is luring to cybercriminals and hackers and thus requires great caution.

What security threats does IOT pose?

Although the technology market is constantly innovated, successful cyber-attacks have also increased. The major risks that require consideration with the use of this technology are:

1)     Insecure interfaces

  •        Web interface
  •        Network services
  •        Cloud interface
  •       Mobile interface

Data loss and corruption, both, stem from insecure interfaces. There might also be a complete device takeover. This may lead to denial of access and a compromise on the accountability of the entire data consolidation. All data stored could be modified or accessed. Compromised network services can result in a denial of service condition of devices and the user may no longer be able to access them. Moreover, it can also be employed to facilitate attacks on other devices.
The impact also extends to consumers whose personal data can be accessed if the hacker is able to gain control over your devices.

2)     Lack of authentication

Lack of authentication refers to weak or poorly protected credentials and an insecure mode of their recovery. Cybercriminals can employ these to gain easy access to all the data and steal or modify them.

3)     Insufficient transport encryption

A transmission of data from one device to another is the essence of IOT. There needs to be a secure path for this transport of information, failing in which the attacker may be able to view user data when in transit over a local network.

Mitigation of the threats

Global market research reports suggest that while IOT is set to transform lives, web developers and cyber security service providers should be equipped to mitigate the increasing threats accompanying the use of IOT.
During the initial setup of devices, default credentials should be reset. The new ones should not be weak and shouldn’t be exposed to internal or external traffic. Automatic lockout should be set-up for a specific number of failed login attempts and a two-factor authentication method can be used wherever possible.
Only necessary ports should be exposed and transit protocols must be encrypted using TLS or SSL or other standard techniques.
Only data that is crucial for the functioning of the device should be collected and this should be accessible to authorised users only. This means that there should be a strict distinction between administrative users and the regular ones. The data must also be protected and should have a retention limit.

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