Tuesday, October 10, 2017

What does IOT means for Manufacturing Sector?

Manufacturing globally is on the cusp of a revolution. New information technologies are abruptly providing not only to make the management of manufacturing more efficient, since everybody has seen the early versions of plant and enterprise software, however the work itself smarter. Technologies based on the IOT have the potential to radically enhance visibility in manufacturing to the point where each unit of production can be seen at every step in the production procedure.

As per a market research on smart manufacturing and the IOT finds that while 1-5 today admit their factory operations are entirely offline, this will drop to near zero in 5 years.

Use Cases:

· Siemens:

At Siemens’ electronics manufacturing plant in Germany, Amberg, machines, and computer handle 75% of the value chain separately, with few 1000 automation controllers in operation from one end of the production line to the other. Parts being produced communicate with machines by means of a product code that tells the machine their production needs and which steps need to be taken next. Every procedure is optimized for IT control, ensuing in a minimal failure rate. Employees are necessarily supervising production and technology assets, such as handling unpredicted incidents.

· Generic Electric:

At one of GE’s Durathon battery plants, more than 10,000 sensors measure temperature, air pressure, humidity, and machine operating data in real time. This offers the chance to monitor production and adjust procedures in real time, as well as to trace battery performance back to specific batches of powder and at each step along the procedure.

· Cisco:

To better orchestrate it worldwide network of outsourced production plants, Cisco developed- Virtual Manufacturing Execution System Platform (VMES) that offers real-time visibility of production operations. The system leverages technologies like Big Data analytics, cloud, and the IOT to connect and collect real-time information from production machines, allowing analytical quality capabilities in a fully outsourced manufacturing environment.

Orchestrating the whole procedure:

Smart manufacturing needs a healthy dose of technology to ensure machines work together and appropriate, teams of knowledge workers orchestrate the whole procedure, and material flows visibly in real time. What makes this possible is the IOT technology environment. In plant floor applications, the IOT’s can make a network linking a variety of manufacturing assets from the production instruments to parts being produced, from trucks to a warehouse’s smart shelves, from sensor-embedded automation controls to energy meters. With the IOTs, manufacturing can give every of their physical assets a digital identity, which enables them to know the exact location and condition of those assets in real time universally all through the supply chain.

The Right Time to Invest:

Smart Manufacturing, for those ready to get started, is necessarily a platform, which amalgamates a number of technologies, like connectivity technologies, the cloud, and Big Data analytics.

The idea is to use connectivity technologies (for instance, wifi, industrial networks, M2M, etc.) to link factory automation assets (for instance, robots, production equipments, RFID, etc.) to end-user apps (for instance, ERP, PLM, MES, etc.) also mobile devices for more exact and active business executive.

The IOT has a catchy ring to it, however for a number of possibilities are almost too far reaching to imagine. For manufacturer the likely impact of IOT in smart manufacturing looks very big certainly.

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