Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Healthcare Internet of Things, the Future of Technology

What seemed a mere possibility can be a reality now- everyone can track their own health via devices that capture data passively and simultaneously monitor the loved ones health. By getting connected via internet, the network of interoperable data platform is changing the healthcare industry for better. The key to the Internet of Things is technology, which is becoming comprehensive and sophisticated to meet everyday medical demands. The healthcare market research reports depict the rage of wellness and fitness tracking devices, biometrics to tap bodily temperatures etc. have already entered the market.

Product Innovation Find Healthier Directives

It is not a surprise that every industry is trying to maintain customer base by attaching health value to their products, be it food, technology, business, equipment, automobile, smartphones etc. For example let’s talk about vehicle, where the manufacturer stresses on inputting more airbags to prevent injury during accidents, greater space for seating so that the people can enjoy comfort and no pain in muscles, joints etc. Similar health related aspects are being amalgamated by Google, Samsung, Apple, LG, Microsoft, Sony, Epson, and other business giants.

The ‘Tech’ in Health- Devices and  Wearables

The mobile devices and  wearables market is expanding at enormous output. Some of the leading examples include advanced technologies for reading muscle activity, spectrometers for measuring nutrition level in food, and ultraviolet light exposure, electroencephalogram (EEG) level trackers etc. The healthcare market research throws light on how consumer electronics are becoming the want of the day, like the clinical devices for digital tattoos, smart contact lenses, and under the skin implants.
·         Now devices are devised to better communicate for building interoperable networks, which is what Internet of Things focuses on- enhancing interconnected networks across various digital platforms for analyzing, managing, and drawing conclusions for health related factors.

·         There more clinical information gathered, pharmaceuticals can address a wide array of fitness and holistic data for a complete view on people’s health.

·         Smartphones will be utilized greater to predict or suggest the best mix of treatments or therapies available in the proximity, based on customer preference, and bodily statistics.

Healthcare Analytics the Trend in 2016

Some of the innovations involve body heat metrics thermostats adjustment controllers, automated light bulbs controlling UV light emission based on time of the day or stress levels, televisions with real-time dashboards to connect people with their doctors or personal trainers, refrigerators that monitor food output and input, and others. In future, the market research reports converge to delve in analytics programs that will help with detailed insight on an individual’s personal, physical and psychological health- an overall wellbeing projection on fingertips.

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