Tuesday, July 17, 2018

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: Current spark for Aerospace & Defence!

Adapt and transform is the key to innovation. Advancing profitable business with some decades of stock market outperformance, the Global Aerospace and Defence is in stagnant with respect to the increasing growth of aerospace environment strategies.

Modifying business products and services to a digital economy takes sheer talent and a lot of money and also happens to find a business relevant to it. This will unlikely spark universal chaos in business standards. It is better to know that a digital transformation is not termed as an ultimate interruption. Fact is it just paces up with an already separated market phase. 

1. The transformation has been enhanced digitally. Several top notched companies have adapted to the digital transformation process to give a boost to their businesses. Gains have been increased with a strike of 20 per cent with a lot of new revenues and transformations.

2. New business models and entrepreneurship have been on the go. Revenue goals have been growing indiscriminately which is, in turn, reshapes the customer-supplier relationships. Target areas have been MRO sectors and mostly consisting of product development, training and data management.

3. Records have been set as new companies have looked upon cutting costs and enhancing strategies with new avenues of growing

4. Leading aircraft OEMs have tremendous growth and focused ambitions with leading companies aiming for a jump start of their revenues in the next ten years.

A government in every area has a primary objective to create employment that would last longer. This digital industry aims at this as the advancement of digital companies is on par with any other industry. A generation has been getting hired and even few of them are into entrepreneurs.

Unlikely several loopholes have also been witnessed which has a similar effect to the candidness.

Airlines growth have been at a declined rate with fuel prices increasing dominantly. Currently, the growth of fuel prices is aimed at being 28 per cent.

Global passenger jet compartment has been on a rise of about three times in the next twenty years as newcomers have had a tremendous rise in the recent years.

Aviation service market is growing globally with manufacturing outputs. Large deals in the MRO industry. Mega deals have increased tremendously involving system and equipment suppliers to the increased profit.

Global defence around the globe is increasing in a spree, thus leading to more number of conflicts arising in most part of Asia.

The ongoing trend suggests the space market is growing in an accelerated growth of more than 5 per cent per year. Similarly, the satellite industry has been experiencing the drop of equipment mostly satellites and geo orbit constellations which targets the consumer market. Thus the pricing competition is putting a tremendous pressure.

To overcome these limitations and become digital businesses giant, companies need to leverage the aspect of things – a modulation of digitalization across widespread reach, better understanding of customers, and capturing new business standard

Technology, entrepreneurship, digitalization, new economy startups and various other small-scale sector are current enhancements that do not mean and imply simple innovation. As such Innovation creates new elements and does not simply manipulates the existing ones.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Internet of Things in the Energy sector

Internet of things has emerged as a new reality in the technology world. Energy industry analysis suggests that the internet-devices are coming up as the tool to upgrade productivity and efficacy while further enhancing the decision making process. It has also contributed to solving the critical problems and create new innovative experiences.

With more tools connecting, the companies typically face increased fragmenting, and security challenges. There are a couple of technology marketers which are offering integrated scalable hardware and software solutions specially built in order to meet the requirements of the market. Intel, McAfee and Wind River to name a few. The software projects incorporate the energy infrastructure which is already there and streamline it to enhance its security and reliability.

The put combined efforts by the three market giants bring the expected end-to-end security requirement into practicability. While Intel offers the scalable architecture to host the far-dow embedded OSs and applications from McAfee and Wind River solutions hold 30 years of offering security to the digital worlds. This further gets augmented by Wind River for IoT applications.

There’s also a solar energy project which is being researched to incorporate with the Internet of things. Photovoltaic panels have been in use for past 6 decades and yet the technology accounted for a hardly any power generated in past a couple of years. Nevertheless, with the recent application research of Internet of Things, there’s network of over 9 billion sensors and devices which are collecting data from all the source at any given point. This is ensuring informed decisions which are even speedier and powered by automation.

There are various data centers where IoT solutions are being applied to wide-ranging industry verticals. It has enabled the industry sectors to grow faster and with utmost precision in the outcomes. The market forecast suggests, the total number of connected things is forecasted to reach 20 billion by 2020.

For energy firms, this would imply that there will be extensive flexibility in the operations while accommodating new energy sources. Enhances management system for assets and the overall workflow. IoT application in the energy sector would also enable reliability, greater security and better customer services.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Smart Operations And Next Generation Manufacturing

The manufacturing companies produce innovation every day. Powerful smartphones personal aircraft, unmanned drones, personal aircraft, driverless vehicles or even rocket. All these advancements proffer the apparition of next-generation manufacturing.

However, market research reports suggest that manufacturing industry hasn’t got its tech-turn as in the case of other industries such as 3-D printing. The industry still depends on the conventional pipeline process. Even the process of using workflow and intelligent automation tools.

Finance, retail travel, and numerous other industries have room for tech-transformations. Following are a few manufacturing industry struggles which can be maneuvered if emphasized in the area of technology.

  • Poor system of communication
  • Coordination between mechanical engineers and manufactured
  • Delayed and costly processes.
  • Difficulties in processing multiple projects at once.

To complete with the notion of efficient manufacturing industry, there’s a need to underline the area of software-driven solutions for better improvements in the hardware sector.

This may enable a smooth start-to-end process to production and hardware teams. This will further shape the key areas and accelerate the needful advances in the industry.

As per manufacturing market research, the following are some of the areas where innovations and improvements can be made:

Online collaboration software solutions will simplify the whole internal and external coordination process in the manufacturing company. Some of the 3-D viewing tools can be incorporated in the industrial administrative process which will enable to capture exact feedback, resolution to issues and assemble the production bundles for quotation.

Some of the automation and machine learning techniques can be employed in this industry to improve the process of  DFM and quotations. This will remove the conventional manufacturing timelines which require manual interchange for each process involved.

Vendor Management
Connected manufacturing networks which are scaling on an international level with global and local support can be done well. Real-time views through intelligent systems will ease the process for vendors and also help them ensure high quality in the service delivered.

Though the complexity has increased with various advancements in other industries, The two-decade-old MS office tools are still being used in the manufacturing industry to manage the overall workflow. Applying machine learning and software advancements will allow the manufacturing industry to transform to the extent that there will be faster service and high quality maintained.

Friday, July 6, 2018

More renewable energy projects: sector creates more 45,000 new jobs

The previous work sector was indeed of renewable energy since the renewable energy sector created more than forty-five thousands of new jobs in India. Reportedly, more than 4 lakh people were employed during this time.

The country is meeting the water crisis in many regions, although, experts anticipate that if the country possibly attains the renewable energy goals, it could considerably reduce its water consumption intensity. What should interest you is India’s project of adding 227 GW of renewable energy volume by March 2022. With this, India will be included among the top three economies to invest the most in the renewable energy sector.

Water Risks & Data Analytics and Senior Manager of Global Water Program at WRI, Tianyi Luo says India can perhaps reduce its water consumption severity by more than 25%. Most importantly, this can be achieved on by meeting the determined renewable energy targets.

Research reports suggest that India’s 90% thermal power requires fresh water for cooling. If more solar PV projects can be employed to the nation’s power mix, it can surely reduce the water consumption in the country. Wind power projects could also be added to the same.

Wind does not require water while generating electricity while water consumed by solar PV is almost negligent. On the other hand, concentrated solar plants, nuclear and biomass consume more water with high intensity, especially when compared to the traditional fossil fuel plants. This is mainly due to their generation efficiency. That being stated, the energy potentials of solar PV and wind projects should be taken into account in the overall power market.

There are a couple of the latest market research reports which reveal data on 40/60 energy development target.  The Indian government can obtain it while decreasing the consumption by 25%.  

“Renewable energy has become a pillar of low-carbon economic growth for governments all over the world, a fact reflected by the growing number of jobs created in the sector,” said Adnan Z Amin, director-general of IRENA, in a statement.