Tuesday, September 26, 2017

5 ways IT trends are revolutionizing the Manufacturing industry majorly

Information technology,It is creating buzz again. This time in the manufacturing world, which is undergoing the greatest transformation since the last century. As technology optimizes manufacturing processes, threat of evaporating workforce looms.
Industry experts, more and more, have started referring to the next generation technologies as big data, cloud, social drive information technology, mobility in diverse forms.
But, technology on its own is not enough. It is the underlying business model transformations employed by these new technologies that are revolutionizing manufacturing.
Some of the key trends – industry 4.0 are activated by developments in smart manufacturing, Artificial intelligence [AI], Internet of Things [IoT], robotics etc.Market research indicates, Industry 4.0 in addition to prompting manufacturers to invest $267 million in IoT by 2020; is also transforming manufacturing along in 5 different dimensions.  

·         All-in-one production of tangible products via 3D

One of the major technology which has left its mark in manufacturing, as per market research, is the 3D printing. This allows a seamless production of tangible products utilizing only a single machine. 3D provides a fundamental change because it offers –

1.       Reduction of waste by plastic re-cycling
2.       Decrease time lag needed for transportation and replacements
3.       Proffers more possibilities of ways to design a part
4.       Diverse implications for mass productions
5.       Making developments in products a possibility, be it for medical devices or toys.

·         Monitoring 360°-ly

New tools are creating more possibilities for companies to– a] to emulate the design process and the assembly lineprior to the creation of the actual products and b] to create situations for trial in a virtual world.
Simulating the product production stage assists in saving manufacturing time. It also assures that manufacturing process delivers exactly what the company intends to create. Utilization of AR [ augmented reality] allows individuals from around the world to connect and troubleshoot unitedly.

·         Automation is the trend – but managed by humans

Using smart equipment automatically means better manufacturing process. Besides the obvious challenges, the outlook of how the Industry 4.0 workforce will look like is strong. There is of course, the concern of automation displacing human jobs. Plus, the bulk of automation used can pose a threat to humans. Therefore, robotics would complement, not replace the human workers.

There will still be need for humans who will manage new operations, the robotics. They will program and maintain them. Just as the manufacturing world is shifting, the job of the workforce is also shifting. This new workforce will be divided among those who can build and design automation and those who can maintain them.

·         Building smart factories using cloud technology

Factory environments are one the major factors influencing developments in smart sensors and cloud computing.
While smart sensors are used for converting information into different units of measurements, interacting with different systems, recording statistics and feedback, shutting off devices if safety issue arises etc. 
IoT functions lays in tracking and examining the production quotas, integrating control rooms and creating predictive maintenance etc.

Meanwhile, cloud computing allows businesses to procure and analyze data that impacts the production line. Information from AR and VR, more customer feedback will have significant effect on R&D, giving customer what they need faster, all the while cutting down costs. A system that will ultimately promote innovation.

·         Advanced Manufacturing on Auto-pilot

Automation enables a level of productivity and precision that cannot be achieved by human capability. The new generation of robotics are easy to program and even easier to use with features like voice and image recognition to recreate complex human tasks. Another advantage is that they do exactly what is asked of them – nothing more or less. While they save human time which is spent in the most tedious manufacturing tasks, they also create new jobs for re-trained workforce.

A significant change in smart manufacturing will not only lead to greater profits, more jobs and superior economies, they will usher us into the new era of production.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Power of AI on Indian Information Technology Companies

Most large IT service industries have been investing in automation of procedure in their conventional businesses like business processes outsourcing (BPO) and infrastructure management and application, which means fewer engineers, will be required at the lesser end of the pyramid.

At the turn of the century, a boom in the Information technology sector led by firms like TCS, Wipro, and Infosys interpreted into the creation of thousands of office jobs in the country, and a comparatively easy opportunity to work onsite in the matured markets of US and Europe.

 As these companies were concerned in boring jobs like infrastructure management, client support, and server maintenance, they hired in huge numbers from engineering colleges throughout the country.  But not now, possibly.

Person on AI poised to disrupt IT Industry:
According to a market research, 80% of the offshore IT jobs and 30-40% of finance and accounting jobs in India will be eradicated by robotic procedure automation, which is the technology application to procedure a transaction and perform out other tasks.

Around almost every industry, it is noticed that eradicating ratios is between 30% and 80% of the full time equal working in the Indian services industry because of the impact. Information Technology is open about the fact, which said recruitment of the hundreds of Indian engineering college’s graduates has deducted as they automate.

Not Technology of the Future Anymore:
On hiring features, firms are probably to shift into re-skilling. The whole industry is hiring fewer freshers. Jobs at the bottom of the pyramid are getting robotic. People are hiring more onsite, given the macro environment.  Automation has been changing each sector compressing people, and it’s now the turn of Information Technology. If you consider the several jobs, which any industry has, it is possible that repetitive tasks that can be performed better by systems with artificial intelligence are the jobs, which will go away.
They are enduring their constant focus on introducing automation around their projects in the backdrop of pricing pressure in conventional services and they expect this to reflect in our future hiring.

Not each position that is flagged off for hiring, first it is looked within by them. They try to re-skill and assist people move into newer parts instead hiring outwardly.

Essentially not always with negative Implications:
It’s not wholly gloomy picture, however it will force the employee to adapt. Automation will not eradicate jobs. It will bring people to focus their attention on various types of jobs, people that are high on thinking, creativity, and need human interaction. Thus while few jobs get eradicate, numerous more will be created.  

Re-skilling is a challenge. Those who cannot re-skill will be under personal pressure and it will be a matter of survival for them. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Enhancing your Digital User Experience helps to increase Conversion

Whenever website performance is stated, two phrases are sure to follow: user experience (UX) and conversion rate optimization (CRO). Whereas both terms are usually used, rely upon comparable study and reach same end goals, UX and CRO are not, in fact, the same thing.

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a practice, which consists of constantly improving your site or landing page with the aim of transforming visitors to leads or clients.  According to a market research, CRO makes sure that the message of your site is as clear as possible, to help achieve your final objective.

Digital user experience is defined as the in general experience your users have all over the use of digital appliance, an interface or more normally an interaction with any device or service.

Why is digital experience a vital part of conversion?
The aim of UX is to enhance the design of a website so that it is cleaner, simpler, more coherent, and more user-friendly.  In brief, it focuses to create site navigation as easy as possible.

The word ‘user experience (UX)’ even though usually used in the technical sense, that is when describing a site or app can in fact also be applied to everyday experiences and interactions out there in the ‘real world.’

Think back to a memorable experience. May be it was a product that was super easy to utilize, a website where you quickly found exactly what you were seeking for or a time when you obtained excellent customer service. The point is UX can be termed as the UX has interacting with a product (or website, or service- and so on.)

Now that you have expanded upon what makes up the definition of user experience, you can start to understand why a positive user experience can enhance a site’s conversion rates.

Visitors who don’t know your interface is a client who will leave the website midway through a purchase guide, and keeping in mind no intention of returning. Once a client is disappointed his is lost.

CRO+UX: How does this pair work?
According to CRO, know the obstacles, testing them, and continuously optimizing them to make sure that you always perform best. When your test is based on a user experience approach, the outcomes are considerably better.

To sum it up, an influential website is a site, which knows how to unite conversion optimization with an irreproachable UX. Both of these practices must work together, since, after all the end goal for both is the same!